Rollout für: Robertie, "Advanced Backgammon, Vol. 2" (Neuausgabe 1991), Problem Nr. 255

SCHWARZ am Zug; Cube Action?

| ' ' ' ' ' '|   |2X2X2X2X2X1X|
|                   |   |                   |
|                 |   |                 |
| ' '1X ' '1X| 2 | '3O3O3O5O2X|

Pip counts: WEISS 122, SCHWARZ 46
Position ID: bdsAIjC+uwMAAA Match ID: UQkAAAAAAAAA

• Robertie empfiehlt: Double - Pass

Alert: wrong double ( -0,111)!

Cube decision
Rollout cubeless equity +1,060 
Cubeful equities:
1.No double +1,111 
2.Double, take +1,963 +0,852
3.Double, pass +1,000 -0,111
Proper cube action:Too good to redouble, pass (11,6%)
Rollout details
 WinW gW bg LoseL gL bgCubelessCubeful
Player SCHWARZ owns 2-cube0,8050,4110,040-0,1950,0000,000 +1,060 +1,111
Standard error0,0020,0020,001-0,0020,0000,000 0,004 0,005
Player WEISS owns 4-cube0,8060,4110,040-0,1940,0000,000 +2,126 +1,963
Standard error0,0020,0020,001-0,0020,0000,000 0,009 0,013
Full cubeful rollout with var.redn.
1296 games, Mersenne Twister dice gen. with seed 996970747 and quasi-random dice
Play: 0-ply cubeful [expert]
Cube: 0-ply cubeful [expert]


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